Octubre, mes de la lucha contra el cáncer de mama

Palpación. Revisiones. Mamografía.

Si seguimos esos tres primeros pasos, quizás nos evitemos los demás: Detección. Biopsia.
Operación. Analítica. Quimioterapia. Radioterapia.
Controles. TACs. Inyecciones. Pastillas.

El cáncer de mama tiene cura en más de un 75% de los casos. Y, en un futuro no muy lejano, en todos.

¡Gracias!!!!! (entrada XIV)

Mi agradecimiento a todo el personal del hospital «Arnau de Vilanova» de Valencia y en especial a:
-Nuria Piera ( oncóloga)
-Lina Martínez ( psicóloga)
-Mamen García ( enfermera y amiga)
-J.J. Solà ( cirujano)
-J. L. Alabort ( radiólogo)
– l@s enfermer@s de quimio.
Y, por supuesto también, a Marina Climent ( médico de cabecera) y Pedro Bataller ( psicólogo).

Tale of the unexpected (entry XII)

After four months of going to hospitals and seeing doctors, Sarah was used to waiting. There ,in the basement, in front of the radiologist´s consult and reading a new book, she was calm. Two hours later, the nurse called her name. An intuitive person, Sarah felt totally at home as soon as she entered. There was something in the blue eyes of the doctor that made her feel relaxed. He started talking and asking questions and Sarah thought inmediately she could trust him. So she asked  to be told the truth in case he sees anything wrong in the  screen. He did: there were three cysts in her liver. Sarah cried and the doctor got so nervous he spoke  nonsense and jokes. They both laughed so loud the nurse popped in to check what was going on. A huge embrace and Sarah left the room as happy as if she had some good news.

That man in his fifties, grey haired and funny, had magic. She spent two weeks thinking of him and when she received a telegram saying she needed  a biopsy , Sarah jumped with the idea of being with that angel again. The date was on 28th ,December´s Fools´Day.  Sarah knew the universe had a surprise for her.

 For   J.L.   Alabort

(Written by coeliquore)

Movimiento (entrada X)




           Inundarme    ( de tí )



           O lvidar








(Escrito por coeliquore)

In between (entry IX)

          Impatience,  calm down

          Wake  Fury to create.

          Fears,  walk away .

                                                       Within the realms of time

                                                       Flow, be brave.

         Courage,  cuddle me

         Embrace  Strength .

         Confidence, nurture inner self.

                                                          Within the realms of time

                                                          Flow, keep pace.

       (  In between

        let the gods decide ) 

                                                                                                                                                                                                 For   CrisC

(Written by coeliquore)

Treatment (entry VIII)







     Will I survive?

    Will I be able to cope?

     How long for?

    Is it worth the effort?

                                                                         Bach flowers,Rescue Remedy

Spiral (entry VII)

Then,one day,acceptance:

you don´t remember the suffering

and keep on living.

There´s sunshine and rainbow

kids,kites and butterflies


Without knowing why

you come back

 to normal this time.

                                                                     For   Chelo

Autocares La Estrella (entrada I)

 Enero.Llueve y hace frío.Lola tiene la mañana libre,hoy va de tardes.Sale a comprar el pan y el periódico,y a disfrutar de la lluvia.Al llegar a la plaza,un autobús con una estrella pintada en ambos laterales ocupa todo el espacio.Curiosa,sube y pregunta.Es una unidad móvil.Solicita ser atendida:tiene 42 años y nunca se ha hecho una mamografía.

 Veinte días más tarde recibe una carta.Ha de repetir la prueba.Asustada,acude puntual a la cita.Allí confirman lo que  tanto teme:tiene cáncer de mama.Llora incontenible .Pero sabe también que el autobús de la estrella le ha salvado la vida.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   A  la   UDPCM